The Ramberg Tapes
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As a kid i loved popular music and i was fascinated by radio. At age 5 or 6, in the late 1960s, i learned how to operate my parents reel-to-reel tape deck in order to play the two current pre-recorded tapes they had recently bought: Simon & Garfunkel's Bookends and The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band. From there it grew, listening to top 40, following rock radio and collecting records.

Twenty years later, this led me to a career working in radio and as a manager of the local record store. One thing that happened regularly when working in radio was looking at the page telling me what to play and seeing a spot (a commercial) coming up in a minute and not finding the tape in the control room. I would have to RUN down the hall to the production room to grab the tape, sometimes right as the editing was being finished. On those long overnight DJ shifts, as i was running tapes and LPs down the halls of the radio station trying to get them cued up before the song ran out, i imagined other ways to store music. I had studied computer science in college and i had some pretty outlandish ideas. I imagined a computer with some kind of permanent, very, very large floppy disk with audio files stored on it digitally. I imagined ways this would make it easier to transfer the music (and commercials) that at the time we had to walk from room to room on tape cartridges. I even went so far out to imagine having access to my large record collection at home via a connection through a phone wire. I was, however, put off by how many millions and millions of kilobytes of storage would be needed. That felt utterly unattainable.

When i was 9 years old, a young couple, fresh out of school, moved in down the street from us. Mary and Charles Ramberg quickly became good friends with my parents and became friends and mentors of mine as well. They were civil rights workers, she was an organizer and he was a lawyer; they did incredibly important work, did it well, and became somewhat well known. I admired them greatly and learned a lot from them. In addition to lessons about life, politics and civil rights, Charles was a cyclist and i learned an enormous amount about cycling from him, from how to ride safely in traffic to what the Tour De France was. I rode my first three centuries with Charles, an experience i cherish.

When he was in law school, in Washington DC from 1968 to 1971, Charles recorded rock radio (WMOD, WMAL, WETA, WAVA) off the air onto quarter inch reel-to-reel tapes. He did a little editing, but largely each tape was a continuous multi-hour period of late sixties underground rock radio. It is an amazing collection. That was clearly an important time in music, as well as an interesting time in the news. In 1988 he had nine reels remaining, but he didn't have a reel-to-reel deck. He asked me to transfer them to cassette. I was quite excited. Obviously a collection from that time period was pretty thrilling.

This was going to be fun. I bought three cases of high quality blank cassettes at the record store where i worked. I took my parents 25 year old reel-to-reel deck and a new high quality cassette deck, did some very creative wiring and got it all to work. I spent several weeks transferring the reels to cassette. I did quite a bit of editing when i made the copies. I moved songs and sets around to fit on the 45 minute side of a cassette. I left out about 25% of the songs due to space reasons. The vast majority left out were duplicates or were songs that (at the time in the late 1980s) were so wildly familiar and popular that they weren't necessary in this collection. I did pretty well; however i have discovered some duplicates slipped through and i see on the lists, a handful of songs i left out that i now wish i had not. Through all of that i tried to keep the original stations' music sets intact as much as possible.

During his recording, Charles cut out most of the DJ breaks. When i made the tape to tape transfer, i, unfortunately, cut out all the remaining breaks. I don't know why i did that, especially since i was actually a DJ at the time! I do remember that there were some interesting comments. In addition there were some amazing news bulletins that i should not have edited out, like Kent State -- i'm quite disappointed i didn't keep those. The ads would be really fun today, but if i remember correctly, there were no ads on the reels. It's possible Charles edited them out during recording, but maybe there just weren't any on the air, since progressive rock radio in those days was not seen as profitable and operated mostly as a public service! (See my essay about WZZQ, one of the original rock radio stations.)

Before i started the tape to tape transfer i made detailed lists of the tracks on each reel. When Charles first recorded his reels he took some rough notes on song titles. I did a lot of work trying to accurately name every song and artist. I had some resources, as i was in the industry, both a DJ and working at the record store. At the record store i was the person they turned to when they needed to remember a song name or artist name (even the owners would ask me), so a lot of it came out of my head. But i also used Charles' notes, i used the big encyclopedic song index books we had at the shop and i even plumbed the brain of my co-workers at the radio station and the owners of the shop. I certainly didn't get them all identified and i wasn't always right, but in retrospect i think i did rather well for the time. From those lists i was able to make a playlist to accompany each cassette of the songs on it and which reel (and radio station) it came from. After all the reels were done transferred, i labeled the cassettes #1 to #16. There were a few blank cassettes left over and i put recordings of a few of my radio shows on them to complete the pod of 24 tapes. I named the entire set 'The Ramberg Tapes' and when i returned the reels to Charles, i presented him with a wrapped cube, two 12 tape boxes of cassettes with detailed lists for each tape.

Soon after i gave the tapes to him, Charles & Mary and their 3 young children went on a long summer road trip. When he returned Charles was effusive in his excitement about the tapes and how much he, and the whole family enjoyed them. He added that he didn't expect to like my radio shows much but was surprised. And he was thrilled that on one of them i played The Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law. I believe he continued to listen to all of the tapes regularly after that. Sadly Charles Ramberg died, quite suddenly, in 1989 of a brain tumor. Mary thanked me again for The Ramberg Tapes before she and the kids moved out of state. I bought Charles' car from Mary and eventually drove that little 1975 Toyota across the country myself. I hope their kids discovered and enjoyed The Ramberg Tapes when they were teenagers.

I also made a set of tapes for myself. I made identical copies of tapes #1 through #11. Tapes #12 to #16, were mostly folk music and at the time i wasn't interested but i'm a little disappointed i didn't copy them. I did however, take a selection of songs from those 5 tapes and made two more tapes (Tapes #17 & #18), just for me. Those two never went to Charles. I greatly enjoyed my copies of The Ramberg Tapes. I found a great validation when hearing personal favorites among the collection. But more importantly i learned so much! I found a number of artists that i wanted to explore further, such as Ultimate Spinach and so much more. In fact this project is how i discovered some of my all time favorite artists: Phil Ochs and The Chad Mitchell Trio, to name but two. I bought some Phil Ochs records because of this project but not Ultimate Spinach. That wasn't possible. Back in 1988 we could only hear music that the record companies made available and the vast majority of Sixties music, including at least two thirds of this collection, was out of print and there was no possibility of getting them. So this collection was amazingly exciting.

I listened to 'The Ramberg Tapes' frequently and they quickly became my regular choice in the car. My friends and co-workers were fascinated and jealous. My record shop co-worker Doug borrowed one tape and left it in the sun. The case melted. He was afraid to return it to me, but i was impatient and insistent. When he showed it to me, he was in tears, but using a few tools, i was able to remove the tiny reel of tape from the melted cassette body and place it in a new cassette thereby saving the tape! Doug was hugely relieved. He loved those tapes.

As part of the job at the record shop i sometimes worked backstage at arena concerts we promoted. I was the 'runner' -- local knowledge and errand running mostly. A year or so after i made the tapes, i worked a 'Metallica' concert with 'The Cult' as the opening act. In the early afternoon the road manager asked me to meet two people in the parking lot and take them to a racquetball court. I called the local YMCA and made reservations and drove across the parking lot. The tape that happened to be in my car that day was Ramberg Tape #2, which is mostly The MC5 -- straight off of 1969 Washington radio.

I drove up to the tour bus in my little 1975 Corolla (which had been Charles' car!). A well dressed short haired guy got off and got in the backseat, friendly and chatty. (The manager.) And then this pale monster with butt length hair in a huge mat got off the bus and stumbled, squinting, into the front seat of my little beat up Toyota. He cowered down and moaned. He didn't make any sound the rest of the short ride but when we got to the racquetball center he stumbled out, looked back into the car at me and growled, "MC5 is the freakin' balls man!" He didn't say freakin'. It was Ian Astbury.

When i returned to pick them up a couple of hours later, he was clean and showered and pleasant and soft spoken (he said he can't wake up until he's played racquetball). He was very excited about The MC5 and the story of 'The Ramberg Tapes'. He suggested that we go to my record store and buy some MC5. I pointed out that, thanks to the record companies, MC5 was unavailable in the US. (That was dumb, i should have taken him to the store, anyway!! My co-workers would've loved it!) In the New Years edition of Rolling Stone Magazine that year, they asked famous people what they were listening to and Ian Astbury said MC5!! I either got him started on it, or i coincidently hit the perfect tape that day. Thank you Charles!

Eventually my set of The Ramberg Tapes wound up in a custom built tape rack on my record shelf, spending a couple of decades there but never completely forgotten. Around 2004 when digital audio was starting to become available online i dug into the lists of artists from The Ramberg Tapes and explored some of those artists more fully, sometimes finding full albums from just the one song played on the radio in 1969. It was exciting and fun to discover even more music from this project. In 2012, over several weeks, i digitized my 13 Ramberg Tape cassettes as complete 45 minute files. Now i had them available on the computer. They filled just over 2 million kilobytes. That would've taken up half of my new hard drive in 1989, it is a very small corner of my computer today.

studio >> master >> LP (1960s) >> FM radio >> quarter inch reel-to-reel (1969) >> cassette (1988) >> VBR MP3 (2012)

It's interesting to me to think of the journey that these songs have taken to get to my ears. The audio quality is not ideal, but it is still surprisingly good. The music started out very high audio quality in Charles' original recordings. Some of the LPs had skips but most were very clear. There is very little interference off the air however it was run through a compressor as it was transmitted. It then went through three to five tape generations before being audio recorded (not digitally ripped) to high quality variable bit rate MP3s. That means the music i am listening to right now went from a 1960s recording studio, to a master tape, to LP, to radio airwaves, to reel-to-reel in 1969, to cassette in 1988, all analog waveform, and to MP3 in 2012 where it is stored digitally.

Over several months in early 2021 i took each of the 26 MP3 files (each is one side of a cassette) and split them up into individual songs using the music editing program Audacity. I now have 450 tracks in my Ramberg Tapes folder. I also created a relational database connecting the lists of songs and cassettes and reels; and including Charles' original notes. With this database and using the much, much more extensive resources we have available now, i set out to track down the name and artist, album and year for every song in the collection to a high level of confidence. I searched lists on, and Wikipedia, i searched lyrics on Google, i compared songs on YouTube and, and as an absolute last resort i used Shazam to analyze and try to name a song. I think i've got it in pretty good shape -- there are only half a dozen or so still frustratingly unidentified!

I am sad that rock radio with DJs, thematic sets, cued seugeways and airbreaks like i grew up with (and did myself for a few years), doesn't really exist anymore but i am able to listen to amazing sets from 1969! It's great fun and i keep on learning from this collection. I continue to find artists that i want to explore further. The collection is still pretty special although it's value is quite different now. When i made the cassettes in the 80s it was fascinating to see what was REALLY on the radio in the Sixties and what was remembered and what was completely forgotten. And that's still of great value today, maybe more so. However in 1988 the vast majority of this music was out of print and there was no possibility of getting it. It felt forbidden; having The Ramberg Tapes was special, like winning the lottery. Now almost everything ever recorded is available instantly with moment's search. But i'm discovering that there are a few things in this collection that i cannot find at all amongst the vast resources on the internet. Some things DID disappear!

There are about a dozen that i still cannot name after using all of my resourses. Below i have inserted the song cards for each cassette:
                                  The Ramberg Tapes
01a                              CASSETTE #1  SIDE A                              01a

Keep On Chooglin                                 - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Finale-Refugee (live instrumental)               - Kooper-Al & Bloomfield-Mike
I Can Love A Woman                               - Al Kooper
Blue Moon of Kentucky                            - Al Kooper
Love Me Two Times                                - The Doors
Who Do You Love                                  - Quicksilver Messenger Service

         6 tracks 44:59                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1A  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
01b                              CASSETTE #1  SIDE B                              01b

Lifeline                                         - The Sacred Mushroom
Seeing                                           - Moby Grape
Some Velvet Morning                              - Vanilla Fudge
Where Is Happiness                               - Vanilla Fudge
Happy Trails                                     - Quicksilver Messenger Service
We Are The Good Rats                             - Good Rats
Joey Ferrari                                     - Good Rats
Prelude                                          - The Collectors
Grass and Wild Strawberries                      - The Collectors 
{unknown} 'what i seem to be looking for'        - {unknown}      

        10 tracks 43:51                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1A  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
02a                              CASSETTE #2  SIDE A                              02a

Borderline (live)                                - MC5
Motor City Burning (live)                        - MC5
Want You Back Now (live)  [ends]                 - MC5
Penthouse Pauper                                 - Creedence Clearwater Revival  
{unknown} (instrumental)1                        - {unknown}
{unknown} (instrumental)2                        - {unknown}  
St James Infirmary                               - Mystic Number National Bank
(intro)                                          - MC5
Rambling Rose (live)                             - MC5
Kick Out The Jams (live) (AM)                    - MC5
Come Together (live)                             - MC5
Rocket Reducer 62 (live)                         - MC5

        12 tracks 45:52                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1A  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969
                reel 1B  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
02b                              CASSETTE #2  SIDE B                              02b

{unknown} 'Fender Bass'                          - {unknown}  
Expecting to Fly                                 - Buffalo Springfield
If Not This Time                                 - Fifty Foot Hose
Pride of Man                                     - Quicksilver Messenger Service
Seeing                                           - Moby Grape
When The Music's Over                            - The Doors
Funny Freak Parade                               - Ultimate Spinach
Plastic Raincoats-Hung Up Minds                  - Ultimate Spinach
FISH Cheer                                       - Country Joe & The Fish
I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag                - Country Joe & The Fish
Love                                             - Country Joe & The Fish
Rock Coast Blues                                 - Country Joe & The Fish
Super Bird                                       - Country Joe & The Fish

        13 tracks 45:43                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1B  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
03a                              CASSETTE #3  SIDE A                              03a

Thing In 'E'  [fragment]                         - The Savage Resurrection
Dr Mind                                          - Phluph
Omaha                                            - Moby Grape
Paper Sun                                        - Traffic
Changes                                          - Moby Grape
2000 Man                                         - The Rolling Stones
Horse Latitudes                                  - The Doors
Moonlight Drive                                  - The Doors
Down On Me                                       - Big Brother & The Holding Company
I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know            - Blood Sweat & Tears
I Can't Quit Her                                 - Blood Sweat & Tears
Sky Pilot [missing intro]                        - The Animals
Masters of War                                   - Bob Dylan
Up from the Skies                                - The Jimi Hendrix Experience

        14 tracks 46:00                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1B  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
03b                              CASSETTE #3  SIDE B                              03b

Purple Haze                                      - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
You've Got Me Floatin'                           - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Fire                                             - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Castles Made of Sand  [frag]                     - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Foxy Lady                                        - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Sunshine of Your Love                            - Cream
Toad                                             - Cream
Blue Condition                                   - Cream
Cat's Squirrel (instrumental)                    - Cream
Break Song  [abridged]                           - Vanilla Fudge
Louisiana Blues                                  - Savoy Brown
Temporarily Humboldt County  [1st half]          - Firesign Theatre

        12 tracks 46:06                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 1B  (Rock Music I)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969
                reel 2A  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
04a                              CASSETTE #4  SIDE A                              04a

South End Incident (I'm Afraid)                  - Beacon Street Union
Bad Day at Black Rock- Baby                      - Colours
Angeline                                         - Genesis (LA)
Ticket To Ride                                   - Vanilla Fudge
Love Song for the Dead Ché                       - The United States of America
On The Natural                                   - Hoyt Axton  
{unknown} 'down down down down'                  - {unknown}   
The American Eagle Tragedy                       - Earth Opera
Some Days You Just Can't Win                     - Ultimate Spinach
Delighted Strung Out & 25  [skips]               - The Last Ritual
Room to Move                                     - John Mayall

        11 tracks 45:26                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 2A  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
04b                              CASSETTE #4  SIDE B                              04b

Strange Feeling                                  - Tim Buckley
I Can't Quit You  [skips]                        - Led Zeppelin
How Many More Times                              - Led Zeppelin
Running Jumping Standing Still                   - Koerner-SpiderJohn & Murphy-Willie
Magazine Lady                                    - Koerner-SpiderJohn & Murphy-Willie
Feel So Bad  [ends]                              - Otis Rush
Our Little Secret                                - SRC
I'm On An Island (live)                          - The Kinks
Come On Now (live)                               - The Kinks
You Really Got Me (live)                         - The Kinks
Pay The Price                                    - Illinois Speed Press
Free Ride                                        - Illinois Speed Press
Temporarily Humboldt County  [middle]            - Firesign Theatre

        13 tracks 44:46                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 2A  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
05a                              CASSETTE #5  SIDE A                              05a

A Salty Dog                                      - Procol Harum
How Hi the Li                                    - Family
The Devil Came From Kansas                       - Procol Harum
Conceptions Of Reality II                        - Womb
All This And More                                - Procol Harum
The Milk of Human Kindness                       - Procol Harum
She's All Right (electric) (w My Girl reprise)   - Muddy Waters
Airmobile                                        - Tim Hardin
Home To You                                      - Earth Opera
Motorcycle Irene                                 - Moby Grape
Going Nowhere                                    - Moby Grape

        11 tracks 45:48                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 2A  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969
                reel 2B  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
05b                              CASSETTE #5  SIDE B                              05b

Seeing  [skips]                                  - Moby Grape
Murder in My Heart for The Judge                 - Moby Grape
Friends And Lovers                               - Koerner-SpiderJohn & Murphy-Willie
West Coast Child of Sunshine                     - Blue Cheer
Peace Of Mind                                    - Blue Cheer  
[pigs]                                           - {unknown}   
Something's Got a Hold of my Toe                 - Traffic       
[pigs again]                                     - {unknown}   
I Kill Therefore I Am                            - Phil Ochs
Early Morning Blues and Greens                   - Diane Hildebrand
My Life                                          - Phil Ochs  
{unknown} 'Ten Million People'                   - {unknown}  
The Streets of Your Town                         - Country Joe & The Fish
Czechoslovakia  [1st half]                       - Driscoll-Julie & Auger-Brian & The Trinity
Jimmy's Texas Blues                              - Doc Watson
Turn Your Money Green  [ends]                    - Tom Rush

        16 tracks 46:05                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 2B  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969
                reel 3B  (Rock Music III)  WZXQ-FM Jackson MS 1984

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
06a                              CASSETTE #6  SIDE A                              06a

Time Changes scene I-1 Introduction              - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-2 Time Changes              - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-3 Interlude One             - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-4 That's My Girl            - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-5 Wake Up In The Morning    - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-6 I've Got The Fever        - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-7 Crash                     - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene I-8 At The Station            - Ford Theater
intermission                                     - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-1 Back To Philadelphia     - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-2 Clifford's Dilemma       - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-3 Jefferson Airplane       - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-4 I Feel Uncertain         - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-5 Interlude Two            - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-6 Good Thing               - Ford Theater
Time Changes scene II-7 Outroduction             - Ford Theater
Feeling Good (live at Fillmore)                  - Traffic
The Ghetto                                       - Delaney & Bonnie & Friends
When The Battle Is Over                          - Delaney & Bonnie & Friends

        19 tracks 49:27                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 2B  (Rock Music II)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1968-1969
                reel 3A  (Rock Music III)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1969 or 71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
06b                              CASSETTE #6  SIDE B                              06b

Dirty Old Man                                    - Delaney & Bonnie & Friends
Chain of Fools                                   - Herbie Mann
Early In The Morning                             - The Edwin Hawkins Singers
Whiskey Whiskey                                  - Tim Hardin
Natural Harmony                                  - The Byrds
Draft Morning                                    - The Byrds
I Wasn't Born to Follow                          - The Byrds
Get to You                                       - The Byrds
This Wheel's on Fire                             - The Byrds
My Country 'Tis of Thy People You're Dying       - Sainte-Marie-Buffy
Le Trente-Huit Cunegonde  [middle]               - Firesign Theatre

        11 tracks 46:12                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 3A  (Rock Music III)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1969 or 71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
07a                              CASSETTE #7  SIDE A                              07a

Another Age                                      - Phil Ochs
The Scorpion Departs but Never Returns           - Phil Ochs
Oh Happy Day                                     - The Edwin Hawkins Singers
Think                                            - The Rolling Stones
River                                            - Hedge & Donna
People Love Each Other                           - Brewer & Shipley
Mine Eyes Have Seen                              - Fat
Look Into the Sun                                - Jethro Tull
Badge                                            - Cream
Carolina In My Mind                              - Melanie
Somethin' Comin' On                              - Blood Sweat & Tears
Impressions Of                                   - Dennis Coffey

        12 tracks 47:21                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 3A  (Rock Music III)  WMOD-FM Washington DC 1969 or 71
                reel 4A  (Rock Music IV)  WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
07b                              CASSETTE #7  SIDE B                              07b

Rag Mama Rag                                     - The Band
Lola                                             - The Kinks
Lovin' Sound                                     - Ian & Sylvia
Sugar Mountain (live)                            - Neil Young
Livin' in The Country                            - Tom Rush
Good Time Living                                 - Three Dog Night
Love Like a Man  [DJ frontsell]                  - Ten Years After
The Bells of Rhymney                             - Judy Collins
Melancholy Man                                   - Moody Blues
Try A Little Harder                              - Eric Quincy Tate
Never Kill Another Man                           - The Steve Miller Band

        11 tracks 44:53                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 4A  (Rock Music IV)  WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
08a                              CASSETTE #8  SIDE A                              08a

Green Eyed Lady                                  - Sugarloaf
Clack Clack                                      - John Stewart
The Way I Feel                                   - Fotheringay
2000 Light Years From Home                       - The Rolling Stones
Southern Man                                     - Neil Young
Long Time Gone                                   - Crosby Stills & Nash
Woodstock                                        - Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Volunteers                                       - Jefferson Airplane
Easy Now                                         - Eric Clapton
Been Too Long on The Road                        - Bread
Early Morning Rain                               - Gordon Lightfoot

        11 tracks 45:53                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 4B  (Rock Music IV)  WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
08b                              CASSETTE #8  SIDE B                              08b

[extended segue]                                 - 
For Lovin' Me                                    - Peter Paul & Mary
I Shall Be Released                              - The Band
Gallows Pole                                     - Led Zeppelin
Fresh Air                                        - Quicksilver Messenger Service
Dawn- The Day Begins                             - Moody Blues
London Blues                                     - Canned Heat
Prodigal Son                                     - Johnny Winter
All Really I Want To Do                          - The Byrds
Gimme Shelter                                    - The Rolling Stones
Cloudy                                           - Simon & Garfunkel
Can't Find My Way Home                           - Blind Faith

        13 tracks 46:06                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 4B  (Rock Music IV)  WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970
                reel 6B  (Rock Music VI)  various Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
09a                              CASSETTE #9  SIDE A                              09a

Don't Talk Now                                   - Brethren
Mississippi Freighter                            - Brethren
No Expectations                                  - Joan Baez
Hard Road                                        - Marc Benno
Nice Feelin'                                     - Marc Benno
Coming into Los Angeles                          - Arlo Guthrie
Lodi                                             - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Green River                                      - Creedence Clearwater Revival
What Have They Done to My Song Ma                - Melanie
25 or 6 to 4                                     - Chicago Transit Authority
Down By The River                                - Buddy Miles

        11 tracks 46:02                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 5A  (Rock Music V)  WETA-FM & WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
09b                              CASSETTE #9  SIDE B                              09b

Ohio                                             - Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Back To The River                                - Damnation Of Adam Blessing
Free The People                                  - Barbara Keith
Good Shepherd                                    - Jefferson Airplane
Tomorrow Is The Last To Be Heard                 - Gypsy
Three More Days                                  - The Guess Who
'48 Desoto                                       - Tony Kosinec
I Could Be Singing                               - Arlo Guthrie
Thumbs                                           - Lee  Michaels
Universal Soldier                                - Donovan
Other Side Of This Life                          - Fred Neil

        11 tracks 45:48                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 5A  (Rock Music V)  WETA-FM & WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970
                reel 5B  (Rock Music V)  WETA-FM & WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
10a                              CASSETTE #10  SIDE A                             10a

With God on Our Side                             - Joan Baez
Get Ourselves Together                           - Delaney & Bonnie & Friends
Illusion                                         - Scott McKenzie
Rotosound Strings (fake advert)                  - The Who
I Can See For Miles                              - The Who
Tuane                                            - Hammer
Good Year                                        - Marc Benno
I Put A Spell on You                             - Leon Russell
Soul Food                                        - The Asylum Choir
My Baby Left Me                                  - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Some of Shelly's Blues                           - Stone Poneys
Look In The Mirror                               - Scott McKenzie
Ride Captain Ride                                - Blues Image
I Don't Want To Die In Georgia                   - Brewer & Shipley

        14 tracks 44:40                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 5B  (Rock Music V)  WETA-FM & WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
10b                              CASSETTE #10  SIDE B                             10b

Alabama '69                                      - Humble Pie
Country Honk                                     - The Rolling Stones
Church (Part Of Someone)                         - Steven Stills
Old Times Good Times                             - Steven Stills  
{unknown} 'Saw A Man (Walking Around)'           - {unknown}      
After Midnight                                   - Eric Clapton
More & More                                      - Blood Sweat & Tears
We Are Not Helpless                              - Steven Stills
Crossroads                                       - Cream
A Whiter Shade Of Pale                           - Procol Harum
Crazy Man                                        - Scott McKenzie
Country Road                                     - James Taylor
Sea of Heartbreak  [fragment]                    - Don Gibson

        13 tracks 46:12                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 5B  (Rock Music V)  WETA-FM & WMAL-FM Washington DC 1970
                reel 6A  (Rock Music VI)  various Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
11a                              CASSETTE #11  SIDE A                             11a

Time                                             - Cat Stevens
Fill My Eyes                                     - Cat Stevens
I Looked Away                                    - Derek & The Dominos
One Toke Over The Line                           - Brewer & Shipley
Ballad Of Obray Ramsey                           - Matthews Southern Comfort
Lovely Linda                                     - Paul McCartney
That Would Be Something                          - Paul McCartney
I Got A Line On You                              - Spirit
Be A Brother                                     - Big Brother & The Holding Company
You Need Feet                                    - Chad & Jeremy
Shining Brightly                                 - Brinsley Schwarz
Third Stone From The Sun                         - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Wine Upon The Water                              - Street Singer
Patterson's Song                                 - Street Singer
Kaluah                                           - Street Singer
Oh Miss Mary                                     - The Kingston Trio

        16 tracks 46:09                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 6A  (Rock Music VI)  various Washington DC 1970-71
                reel 6B  (Rock Music VI)  various Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
11b                              CASSETTE #11  SIDE B                             11b

Time Waits For No Man                            - Chimo!
Get On The Right Road                            - Gary Wright
A Child Is Coming                                - Planet Earth Rock and Roll Orchestra
Have You Ever Seen The Rain                      - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Wrong End Of The Rainbow                         - Tom Rush
In The Beginning                                 - Moody Blues
Lovely to See You Again                          - Moody Blues
Ride My See Saw                                  - Moody Blues
Afternoon- Tuesday Afternoon                     - Moody Blues
Question                                         - Moody Blues
Going To California                              - Led Zeppelin
Ridgetop                                         - Jesse Colin Young

        12 tracks 46:22                 original to Charles, copy to Mark

                reel 6B  (Rock Music VI)  various Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
17a                              CASSETTE #17  SIDE A                             17a

Freight Train (instrumental)                     - {unknown}      
Eric's Banjo                                     - The Tarriers
Darcy Farrow                                     - Ian & Sylvia   
House of the Rising Sun (instrumental)           - {unknown}      
Blues on The Ceiling                             - Addiss & Crofut
Dark As A Dungeon (instrumental)                 - Glen Campbell
Daddy You've Been On My Mind                     - Judy Collins
You Were On My Mind                              - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Lemon Tree                                       - Peter Paul & Mary  
{unknown} 'Only Peace Will Make All Men Free'    - {unknown}     
Someone To Talk My Troubles To                   - The Journeymen  
Get Together (instrumental)                      - {unknown}     
San Francisco Bay                                - The Journeymen
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You                         - Joan Baez
If I Had My Way (Sampson & Delilah)              - Peter Paul & Mary
If I Had A Hammer                                - Peter Paul & Mary
Blues on The Ceiling                             - Fred Neil
Cotton Mill Girls                                - The Journeymen
Cotton Fields (instrumental)                     - Glen Campbell

        19 tracks 46:13                 edit of cas 12 to 14 for Mark only

                reel 7A  (Folk Music I)  WAVA-FM Washington DC 1969-71
                reel 7B  (Folk Music I)  WAVA-FM Washington DC 1969-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
17b                              CASSETTE #17  SIDE B                             17b

He Was My Brother                                - Simon & Garfunkel
Dubarry Done Gone Again                          - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Ain't No More Cane On This Brazos                - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Duncan And Brady                                 - Tom Rush      
Midnight Special (instrumental)                  - {unknown}     
The Marvelous Toy                                - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Bonny Streets Of Fyve Io                         - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Don't Knock                                      - The Kingston Trio
Catch The Wind                                   - Donovan
Foggy Mountain Break Down                        - Flatt-Lester & Scruggs-Earl
Hey Li Lee LI Lo                                 - The Limelighters
Morning Dew                                      - Neil-Fred & Martin-Vince
Mule Skinner Blues                               - José Felicaiano
Last of The Irish Rover                          - Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem
The Jolly Tinker                                 - Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem
Too Much Of Nothing                              - Peter Paul & Mary

        16 tracks 46:07                 edit of cas 12 to 14 for Mark only

                reel 7B  (Folk Music I)  WAVA-FM Washington DC 1969-71
                reel 8A  (Folk Music II)  WETA-FM Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
18a                              CASSETTE #18  SIDE A                             18a

Long Ago- Far Away                               - Odetta
Howard's Dead And Gone                           - The Weavers 
The Train That Carried My Girl From Town         - Doc Watson
Barry's Boys                                     - The Chad Mitchell Trio
The Ides Of Texas (Billy Sol Estes)              - The Chad Mitchell Trio
What Did You Learn In School Today               - The Chad Mitchell Trio
An African Song (On That Great Civilized Morning)- The Chad Mitchell Trio
The Sinking Of The Reuben James                  - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Streamline Cannonball                            - Doc Watson
Get Together                                     - The Chad Mitchell Trio
That's The Way It's Gonna Be                     - The Chad Mitchell Trio
Pride of Petrovar                                - Ian & Sylvia
Handsome Molly                                   - Ian & Sylvia
Oh What A Beautiful City                         - Pete Seeger
Where Have All The Flowers Gone                  - Peter Paul & Mary

        15 tracks 45:52                 edit of cas 14 to 16 for Mark only

                reel 8A  (Folk Music II)  WETA-FM Washington DC 1970-71
                reel 8B  (Folk Music II)  WETA-FM Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018

                                  The Ramberg Tapes
18b                              CASSETTE #18  SIDE B                             18b

Early In The Morning                             - Peter Paul & Mary
Fenario                                          - The Journeymen
Chase The Rising Sun                             - The Journeymen
CC Rider                                         - Ian & Sylvia
Four Strong Winds                                - Ian & Sylvia
Percy's Song                                     - Arlo Guthrie
Rollin' Home (It's A Far Cry From Heaven And A Short Cry From Home)- Eric Andersen
Canadian RR Trilogy                              - George Hamilton IV
Tell Old Bill                                    - The Chad Mitchell Trio
I Can't Help But Wonder                          - The Chad Mitchell Trio
I've Got Nothing But Time                        - Julie Felix
Live A Humble                                    - Ian & Sylvia
Fare Thee Well (10,000 Miles)                    - Joan Baez
Handsome Molly                                   - Ian & Sylvia
House Of The Rising Sun                          - Joan Baez

        15 tracks 45:53                 edit of cas 14 to 16 for Mark only

                reel 8A  (Folk Music II)  WETA-FM Washington DC 1970-71
                reel 8B  (Folk Music II)  WETA-FM Washington DC 1970-71

                         LP > radio > R2R > cas > cas > VBRmp3
                   Charles Ramberg 1968; Mark Canizaro 1988, 2012, 2018


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